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Ferdi Sabit Soyer’s position honest and courageous

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th September 2019, Nicosia

AKEL welcomes the public statements made by Ferdi Sabit Soyer, a Turkish Cypriot veteran politician and former president of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), with which he confirms that the claims of EVKAF (Note: religious foundation) over the enclosed city of Famagusta are baseless.

F. Soyer cites evidence which proves that the EVKAF area about which EVKAF presents the enclosed city as belonging to the Abdullah Pasha Foundation was compensated and closed in 1935. Indeed in his interview F. Soyer characterized the propaganda campaign EVKAF is waging in the occupied territories on the issue as “gross”, adding that “this isn’t substantiated, nor can it be historically backed.” This position has come to confirm the truth and what the Greek Cypriot side has been supporting.

The honorable and courageous stand taken by Ferdi Sabit Soyer reminds us that in the battle to prevent the plans of Ozersay -Tatar to colonize the enclosed city of Famagusta we have the progressive Turkish Cypriots as our allies.

At the same time, it is another reply to those who want to portray the Turkish Cypriot community as some feckless mass and a tool of Ankara. The progressive forces of the Turkish Cypriots are struggling, in adverse conditions, to defend the existence of their community and the prospect of a free and reunited Cyprus.


The speedy conclusion on the terms of reference is the most effective answer to Turkish FM Cavusoglu


What will determine the Greek Cypriot side’s credibility is the continuity and consistency that the President must show