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The speedy conclusion on the terms of reference is the most effective answer to Turkish FM Cavusoglu

Statement by Stavri Kalopsidiotou, Member of the C.C. of AKEL and of the Cyprus Problem Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL on the exchange of words between Christodoulides – Cavusoglu

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24TH September 2019, Nicosia

On the occasion of the exchange of words in public between the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus N. Christodoulides and Turkish Foreign Minister M. Cavusoglu about the form of the solution of the Cyprus problem, AKEL once again stresses that there is no room for any more experimentations.

The best and most effective answer to the claim made by Mr. Cavusoglu and many others that Mr. Anastasiades had proposed the solution of confederation to him in the presence of Mr. Christodoulides, indeed also citing minutes, is for the Greek Cypriot side to take a very clear position. That is to say, that there must be an agreement on the terms of reference, something which after all the Secretary General of the UN himself has also requested clarifying that these are the 2014 Joint Declaration, the convergences that have been recorded so far and the Guterres Framework.

Such an explicit and austere answer, Mr. Anastasiades will put an end to the unofficial rumours about confederation, given that the Guterres Framework clearly provides for a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation. In addition, the Guterres Framework also resolves the issue of political equality and effective participation. Consequently, the ongoing demonization of this specific issue and the two leader’s persistence on adhering to positions outside the Framework, which both otherwise declare that they accept, must also be terminated.

We reiterate that the conclusion on terms of reference is not a difficult undertaking provided that, of course, the necessary political will is demonstrated by the two leaders. If by any chance the effort for a resumption of the negotiating procedure fails, the following logical question will naturally arise: given that after so many decades of negotiations the two leaders cannot even agree to a resumption of direct dialogue, then how can they be able to agree on a comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem?

If the international community reaches such a conclusion, we face the danger of the Cyprus problem being classified among the unresolved international disputes, with the result of the nightmare of a definitive partition becoming a reality. The responsibilities for such a development will lie with both leaders, who must reflect on the criticalness of the current period.


The demonization of the definition of political equality poses a real danger of the Greek Cypriot side being held responsible for a potential failure


Ferdi Sabit Soyer’s position honest and courageous