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The situation on the Cyprus problem is really critical – the President must reflect on his responsibilities

AKEL on the President’s statement yesterday on the Cyprus problem

Statement by AKEL C.C Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4 October 2018, Nicosia

At the end of the day, does dialogue and the views of political parties have any meaning or not for the President of the Republic?

If they do, the President should have taken on the messages that AKEL has been repeating continuously for the last 15 months.

If it they dont have a meaning, then the President should boldly admit that he takes full responsibility for the decisions he has taken and for the handling he has unilaterally made, and as usual in secret.

So what has AKEL been saying during these fifteen months? We’ve been saying that the President should have replied to the UN Secretary-General – clearly, without any terms and preconditions – that he accepts Mr. Guterres’ positions for a resumption of the negotiations. Unfortunately, the President didn’t do so.

We were saying that all through this period the President should have taken initiatives to convince the international community about the Greek Cypriot side’s readiness for a resumption of the negotiations. Unfortunately, he didn’t do so.

We were saying that the government and ruling forces should have prepared public opinion for the prospect of the solution of the Cyprus problem. Not only did they not do so, but frequently appeased and coveted hardline audiences.

With their stand, the President and Government have unfortunately given rights in the international arena for their will and readiness to achieve a solution that liberates and reunites on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation to be doubted.

The situation is really critical for Cyprus and the Cyprus problem. The President should at long last face up to his responsibilities.


The President’s reference to the 1974 coup as a “civil war” is unacceptable and condemnable


As long as the Cyprus problem remains unresolved, we will find Turkey before us on energy issues too