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As long as the Cyprus problem remains unresolved, we will find Turkey before us on energy issues too

AKEL on Turkey’s threats and the energy issue

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stephanou

AKEL C.C Press Office, 5 October 2018, Nicosia

The Turkish Foreign Ministry’s statement regarding the sovereign right of the Republic of Cyprus to explore and exploit its natural wealth within the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) violates International Law and more specifically the Law of the Sea.

It is our country’s sovereign right to progress activity within its EEZ, to conduct research and plan the exploitation of its natural wealth.

At the same time, however, we must bear in mind that as long as the Cyprus problem remains unresolved, we will find Turkey before us, which, by unlawfulness, will cause problems and tensions.

Of course the government should continue our energy program, but at the same time it must handle it in a very careful way and above all, without engaging in communication type policies for internal consumption purposes.

Particularly during this period, which is very sensitive and very critical as regards the prospects for the resumption of the negotiations, the government must handle energy issues so that they function as an incentive for a solution of the Cyprus problem; a solution that will end the occupation, reunite the country and the people and create possibilities for the unimpeded exercise of our sovereign rights and for energy cooperation in our region.


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