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Citizens will avoid choices that will lead to adventures and bury any possibility of our liberation from the occupation and partition

Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides, AKEL Political Bureau member and Parliamentary Representative of AKEL-Left-New Forces

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th November 2017, Nicosia


Nicolas Papadopoulos, for the third consecutive day, avoided clarifying his position for a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution.

He avoided, diligently, to clarify whether he shares EDEK President Mr. Sizopoulos’ position that the bizonal, bicommunal federation is by itself worse than the occupation and partition.

Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos also avoided even in his so-called “new strategy” to refer to a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution, which has been supported by all the Presidents of the Republic without exception, also including DIKO leaders Spyros Kyprianou and Tassos Papadopoulos.

Nicolas Papadopoulos avoided explaining how he would succeed in bypassing the UN’s parameters and the very clear preconditions set by the UN Secretary-General for a continuation of the talks, but without at the same time paving the way for Turkey at the same time to do so itself and to implement its Plan B unhindered for upgrading the illegal pseudo-state and finalizing partition.

Nicolas Papadopoulos avoided explaining how without talks and with unproductive negativism, rejection and the cultivation of fear as tools, he will manage to force Turkey to accept a solution better than the bizonal, bicommunal federation.

Citizens, however, on their part will also avoid making choices that, with mathematical precision, will lead our country to adventures and bury any possibility of our liberation from the occupation and partition.

Citizens will choose the hopeful perspective which the election of Stavros Malas to the Presidency of the Republic safeguards. The only candidacy that assembles the characteristics of consistency, responsibility and assertiveness, which, together with the tabling by Stavros Malas of a realistic roadmap, will ensure the immediate resumption of the talks from the point where they have been interrupted and the correct utilization of all the remaining possibilities for a solution, liberation and reunification.


N. Papadopoulos should reply whether he is seeking a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution


AKEL urges the people to be on alert, vigilant and decisively combat ultra-right and fascist attitudes and behaviours