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AKEL urges the people to be on alert, vigilant and decisively combat ultra-right and fascist attitudes and behaviours

Statement by Yiorgos T. Georgiou, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th November 2017, Nicosia

In the last few days we have once more been witness to and experiencing the revival of ultra-right and fascist slogans, actions and behaviours by the same well-known circles.

The writing of slogans at the Technological University of Cyprus (TEPAK), against the 1973 Polytechnic uprising and the attack on progressive and democratic ideas, the slogans on a banner unfolded by a section of APOEL football team’s fans “1973-2017: Polytechnic – 44 years of lies”, the racist and nationalist behaviour of ultra-right-wing student organizations during the anti-occupation manifestations against the proclamation of the illegal pseudo-state, speak for themselves!

Yes, unfortunately they do! 44 years later and certain circles and forces are still nostalgic of their shameful past! They haven’t learnt anything about their treacherous mistakes and disasters they brought to both Greece and Cyprus.

The Polytechnic uprising was a key moment in the students and Greek people’s resistance against the Junta. The Polytechnic was a momentous historical event that contributed in a catalytic way to the fall of fascism and the Greek junta.

It is the Athens junta and its obedient organs in Cyprus, namely EOKA B, which dissolved the constitution, overthrew democracy and opened the back door to the Turkish invading army.

Those forces protecting them politically and economically and who give them political cover bear enormous responsibilities for the present and future of our homeland.

With such actions and behaviours, a future of peace and reunification of Cyprus cannot be built.

AKEL denounces every ultra-right and fascist action and urges the Cypriot people to be on alert, vigilant and to decisively combat ultra-right and fascist attitudes and behaviours.

The people do not forget the fascists and the tanks! We will not allow the falsification of the story!

The history of every people is a guide for the future!


Citizens will avoid choices that will lead to adventures and bury any possibility of our liberation from the occupation and partition


Zero Troops or PESCO? Decide, Mr. President!