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AKEL on essential prerequisites for the solution


Statements of Andros Kyprianou, AKEL General Secretary

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th October 2015, Nicosia

gs pplAs various press reports are attempting to misrepresent what I had stated in my interview on “Genc TV”, I present the precise excerpt and transcript of my statements:

“… If we insist on positions which represent a red line for the other side then we will have failed. There is no prospect of achieving an agreement. We need to discuss. We need to work out ideas, thoughts, alternative proposals which I repeat should meet the concerns of both communities. This is what we are doing now as AKEL and this is what we shall discuss with the working groups of other political parties. As the leader of the United Cyprus Party BKP Izzet Izcan said, we have established a working group with the United Cyprus Party. We have also set up a working group with the Republican Turkish Party and the Communal Democracy Party. Furthermore, we want to discuss these ideas we are elaborating with them. If we can arrive at an agreement we shall then give them to both leaders because it is they who are negotiating and of course, not us on their part.”

Replying to a question as to what points are considered by AKEL and for the solution of the Cyprus problem as essential prerequisites I mentioned that these are the issues relating to security, the property issue, the issues of demilitarization and those concerning the territorial issue and of course the issues of governance and especially executive power, but also the absence of any permanent derogations from the acquis communautaire.


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