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On the opening of the Deryneia crossing point


Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL Press Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th October 2015


cpr odofragma deryneiaAKEL welcomes and greets the conclusion of an agreement on the opening of the Deryneia crossing point within the framework of the implementation of Confidence Building Measures that President Anastasiades and the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci had decided.

We expect that the efforts will continue and intensify so that we will have a speedy conclusion with regards the opening of other crossing points, such as those concerning the villages of Piroi and Lefka.

Of course the promotion of Confidence Building Measures do not solve the Cyprus problem, however it adds to the creation and maintaining of a positive climate of trust which is helpful towards the negotiation procedure for the achievement of a comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem.

On the decision by Mustafa Akinci for preparation regarding harmonization with the EU acquis

AKEL considers as positive the decision by Mustafa Akinci to proceed to the Turkish Cypriot community’s preparation for a transition from the Turkish lira to the euro, within the overall process of harmonization with the acquis communautaire in the area that is not under the control of the Republic of Cyprus.

This action and related public statements made by the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci also contribute towards creating a positive climate, which is necessary for the negotiation procedure.

Actions within the framework of the Technical Committee to harmonize the Turkish Cypriot side with the acquis communautaire are a necessity, given that in the event of a solution the suspension of the implementation of acquis in our occupied territories will cease to be in force.


If the negotiations are to have a successful outcome or not this, will be judged at the negotiating table


AKEL on essential prerequisites for the solution