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Davutoglu visit and Eroglu statements


Statement by Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th September 2014, Nicosia


At a time when attempts are underway to overcome the stagnation and break the deadlock in the negotiation procedure on the Cyprus problem, Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side with their actions anything but are contributing towards creating the proper climate. AKEL denounces the unacceptable and provocative statements made by Mr. Eroglu leader of the Turkish Cypriot community that the occupying force in Cyprus is the Greek Cypriot side. We also condemn the illegal visit of Mr. Davutoglu, Turkish Prime Minister, which we hope will not be accompanied by the repetition of the well-known Turkish positions.

We reiterate on this occasion the need for a reorientation of President Anastasiades’ tactics at the negotiating table, in the direction of using the given convergences achieved between Christofias and Talat. The continuation of the current policy does not only not create the prospect of breaking the impasse and achieving progress in the talks, but on the contrary will enable the further hardening of Eroglu’s positions and the widening of the gap between the two sides, together with the simultaneous apportioning of the blame on the Greek Cypriot side as well in the event of a definitive impasse.

Consequently, it is imperative that even at this stage a specific policy must be pursued that can either lead to progress in the negotiations or will either make it absolutely clear that the responsibility for a possible deadlock will lie exclusively with the other side.


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