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NATO does not guarantee security but instead international instability


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th September 2014, Nicosia


The beginning of today’s NATO Summit Meeting in Wales will mark the intensification and sharpening of a Cold War climate that was triggered by the crisis in Ukraine.

JS45458586The Plan to install permanent NATO bases (Readiness Action Plan) in the Baltic countries directed towards Russia, but also the creation of a rapid reaction force for interventions throughout the world, illustrates the recklessness of the militarist block and puts the peoples of all countries under a greater danger from the spreading of conflicts of war aiming at the control of the people’s wealth and resources. NATO does not want to and cannot solve crises, but creates and perpetuates them through the militarization of international relations and the further undermining of International Law and of the United Nations itself.

NATO demands an increase of 2% in military spending of budgets at a time when it is the people who are paying the cost of the crisis created by the monopolies and banks.

NATO is approving a plan to extend the control in cyberspace, when humanity as a result of the Snowden revelations has followed the power of spying and surveillance on ordinary people, organizations, but also on governments.

NATO is preparing its permanent presence and staying in Afghanistan whilst the results of its interventions in countries such as Iraq, Libya, and Syria too, are evident where its former collaborators who were equipped and trained by them and their secret services, are now turning with deadly hatred against humanity.

NATO does not guarantee security but instead international instability and the interests of those who benefit from the imperialist new order. Cyprus has no interest whatsoever from the Anastasiades government’s pro-NATO orientation. A country which is struggling for peace and freedom in its country does not declare its allegiance and subordination to the plans of the centres which have created and perpetuate the reasons of its indisputable problem and the barbarism in the world.


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