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Yes to an EU role, no to unrealistic expectations

AKEL on the European Council Conclusions:

1 July 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The European Council in its Conclusions yesterday once again points out the path of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations on the Cyprus problem and calls for their immediate resumption. With regard to the text of the Conclusions, AKEL highlights three points:

  1. There is no explicit reference to the solution of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as there was in previous European Council Conclusions. The explicit reference should have been there, especially in the given circumstances in which Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership are insisting on the unacceptable demand of reversing the basis of the solution of the Cyprus problem and of a two state solution.
  2. An EU envoy [on the Cyprus problem] has not been appointed and there is no reference whatsoever to this in the Conclusions. It should be pointed out that in the October 2020 Conclusions there was a reference to the possibility of appointing an EU envoy, while now there isn’t even a reference to this either, despite all the diplomatic efforts made by the government.
  3. Reference to the active role of the EU in the procedure of the Cyprus problem was also made in the June 2021 Conclusions. What the European Council now points out is that this role is intended to support “all stages of the procedure of the United Nations” and will be carried out by “all appropriate means”, without further clarification. Therefore such a role will exist as long as we first succeed in resuming the procedure. We reiterate that no one disagrees with such a role by the EU in order to support the solution of the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis and framework. This must of course not lead to any unrealistic expectations of what the EU can or is available to do on the Cyprus problem.

AKEL reiterates that the only realistic way forward is to focus on the effort for a resumption of the talks from the point where they were interrupted in 2017 at Crans Montana, on the basis of the Guterres Framework and the entire body of work agreed so far at the negotiation procedure. That’s precisely why, it is of crucial importance to convince the UN of the readiness, sincerity and consistency of the Greek Cypriot side.

However, if the President states that he wants a resumption of the talks on the basis of the Guterres Framework and in his same statement challenges provisions of the Framework, then it will be difficult to convince the UN.

Secretary General of his readiness. If he rejects – as he did during the recent presentation of the 100 days of his administration – the suggestion to put forward proposals for making use of natural gas as an incentive for a solution to the Cyprus problem, without, of course, crossing the “red lines” of the Republic of Cyprus, then he will not reverse the image that his predecessor bequeathed to our side and will not push things forward.




Speech by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou at the event "Our eye on the future"


The crucial thing is what the Foreign Minister will convey to the UN Secretary General