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What has the President of the Republic been doing for so many months?

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 23 September 2018, Nicosia

Good preparation before any negotiation is imperative always. But we wonder, what messages do the President of the Republic’s statements about good preparation convey to the international community when fifteen months have elapsed since the UN Secretary-General called on both sides to prepare for a resumption of negotiations? In truth, what has the President of the Republic been doing for so many months?

The President of the Republic’s statements create dangers for the Greek Cypriot side to be viewed as setting terms and preconditions for the resumption of negotiations, indeed at the very moment when the UN Secretary-General is clearly calling for the safeguarding of negotiation’s the body of work and for a negotiation on the basis of his Framework, which – inter alia – provides for specific preconditions on the issues relating to security and guarantees.

The President’s statements leave the Greek Cypriot side exposed to a possible apportioning of responsibilities if the UN Secretary-General considers that preconditions for resuming the negotiations do not exist. In that case, the negative consequences will be great.

The President of the Republic, in view of the imminent developments surrounding the Cyprus problem and his meeting with UNSG Mr. Guterres did not consider any consultation with the political forces necessary. He evidently feels strong enough to bear the brunt of any developments on his own. The responsibilities for any subsequent developments will be entirely his own.


It is not enough for the President to say that he hopes there will be a result - he must work for it


The President’s handlings on the Cyprus problem leave the Greek Cypriot side exposed