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We need to be calm and address the so-called customs duties issue in a political manner

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th October 2017, Nicosia

The issue of the ongoing violation of the 3rd Vienna Agreement and the need for measures to be taken to provide support towards the enclaved people in the occupied areas was examined today in the Parliamentary Committee on Refugees, Enclaved People, Missing Persons and War-stricken People.

The issue was examined in the light of the latest decision taken by the illegal regime to impose so-called customs duties on the humanitarian assistance sent by the Republic of Cyprus to the enclaved people in the occupied areas.

This specific issue has two aspects: the humanitarian and political aspect. As regards the humanitarian aspect of the problem, as a Committee we examined how the problems caused by this concrete illegal decision can be addressed. We were briefed on what is at stake, the actions and thoughts that are being made to overcome the problems.

As for the political aspect, the timing of these actions by the pseudo-state is not accidental. These actions are part and parcel of a more comprehensive policy which Turkey is implementing, especially after the failure of the conference in Switzerland aiming at the consolidation of partition in Cyprus.

This is precisely the reason why we on our part need to be calm and address the whole situation in a political manner. The anger and outrage caused by the decisions and actions of the occupation regime is understandable, but any decisions by us must be taking by measuring the possible impacts that might exist on the solution of the Cyprus problem.


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