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We honor AKEL’s anti-fascist struggle in the Second World War

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15 June 2018, Nicosia

On 16 June 1943, the Central Committee of AKEL approved a decision, calling on all AKEL members to enlist voluntarily in the allied forces in the Second World War. Thus, justifiably, 16 June 1943 is viewed as one of the most glorious pages of the history of AKEL and Cyprus. The decision of the Central Committee of AKEL was a political act with a deeply anti-fascist content.

As a result of AKEL’s call, hundreds of Cypriot volunteers enlisted in the Allied forces. Among the Cypriot volunteers were 11 of the 17 members of the Central Committee of the Party. On the occasion of the historic anniversary of 16 June 1943, AKEL once again pays tribute to the thousands of Cypriot volunteers who fought fascism, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, and through them all anti-fascist fighters around the world.

Unfortunately, today in Europe, and elsewhere, fascism is raising its head. Α growth in the electoral strength of fascist, far-right parties is being registered in numerous European countries due to the exacerbation of social problems and inequalities caused by the crisis of the system and the imposition of neo-liberal austerity policies. Despite the fact that a determined and collective response to this dangerous phenomenon is demanded, the EU’s ruling circles dont seem to be particularly annoyed. On the contrary, they are still focused on pursuing neo-liberal policies that are cultivating and strengthening the conditions for the growth of neo-fascism. It is imperative that these policies change, people and their practical needs should be at the centre of attention, not profits and big interests. It is evident that the EU must change course.

In these conditions, the message conveyed by the 16 June 1943 decision is as timely as ever. Combating fascism requires the waging of a consistent and determined struggle by the peoples against it, along with our own people too, who can contribute a lot to this collective effort.

As AKEL, we are proud of our own contribution to humanity’s struggle during the Second World War against fascism. We reiterate that we will remain consistent fighters against Fascism to rid humanity from inhumane` ideologies.


16 June 1943 – a milestone in AKEL’s history - Speech by the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou on the anniversary of the decision of 16 June 1943


Letter of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL to the Prime Minister of Greece