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We aren’t content with the wishful thinking of a security offered by half a country

Statement by Eleni Mavrou, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th June 2017, Nicosia

On the eve of the critical Conference on Cyprus in Switzerland, we hear political leaders urging us, directly or indirectly, to abandon it before it even commences.

It is very well known that on the issue of security and guarantees, the initial positions of the two sides are totally irreconcilable. As AKEL, we have repeatedly made it clear that there is no way we can accept rights of intervention or guarantees from Turkey or the staying of Turkish occupation troops. However the fact that the issue is now being officially discussed, with Turkey’s direct participation, is the best opportunity, if not to dampen Turkey’s intransigence, at least to expose it before the international community.

Dangers do exist on the Cyprus problem. It is logical that everyone has concerns. However, dangers and concerns don’t only stem from the possibility of a bad solution, but also from the perpetuation of the partition and the consolidation of Turkey’s presence in Cyprus. As far as we are concerned we aren’t content with the illusion of a security offered by half a country, as other circles and forces seem to prefer.

Our side must be well prepared at the Conference, with optimism, but also with determination, assertiveness but also with a willingness to negotiate an agreement that will serve the interests and aspirations of both communities.


AKEL wishes for Ramadan


AKEL GS statements after meeting with the President of “Citizen’s Alliance”