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Ultra-right “Defend Europe” get out of Cyprus and the Mediterranean

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th July 2017, Nicosia


AKEL denounces the activity of the ultra-right organization “Defend Europe” in the Mediterranean, which has now arrived in Cyprus too. This racist organization has chartered a ship which is aiming to prevent maritime rescues of refugees and migrants who are in danger of losing their lives in their attempt to cross the Mediterranean. In fact, this organization is cooperating with smugglers to obstruct refugee boats. Their aim was obviously to disembark ultra-rightists from the coasts of occupied Famagusta, while, after this was not feasible, they – according to information – headed towards Limassol.

AKEL demands that it be briefed by the Republic of Cyprus about this matter. AKEL demands immediate action be taken by the government so as to prevent the illegal and racist activity of this organization and that the activity of their members or associates on Cypriot territory are investigated immediately.

The European extreme-right’s reactionary character is revealed in this case as well. At the same time as the Mediterranean is being transformed into a sea tomb for thousands of people, the ultra-rightists are acting in a way that will swell the number of dead. At the same time as the US-NATO imperialist operations are responsible for the uprooting of millions of people from Africa and the Middle East, these forces are turning against the victims, not the perpetrators.

AKEL urges all Cypriots – on both sides of the green line – to send out the message that the racist “Defend Europe” organization is unwanted in the seas and the territory of Cyprus; that the existence and inhumane activity of such an organization is shameful for Europe and the world.


Message of the C.C. of AKEL TO THE C.C. of the Communist Party of Cuba on the anniversary of 26th July 1953


Message to comrade Oscar Figuera, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)