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Turkey’s illegal actions will end only with a final solution to the region’s problems

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 29th July 2020, Nicosia

The de-escalation of Turkey’s provocative actions in the maritime zone south of Kastelorizo ​​was followed by a new Turkish NAVTEX for explorations in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. It is clear that Turkey’s aggressiveness and illegal activity in the Eastern Mediterranean will not be halted unless there is a definitive and real solution to the region’s problems.

AKEL considers that the government must assert at a European level the implementation of a policy – using, among other things, the tool of sanctions – that will pave the way for a just and correct solution to the problems Turkey is provoking in its relations with Europe. .

Above all, however, the Cypriot government must pursue an overall and coherent policy that should highlight our people’s primary goal, namely the liberation and reunification of our homeland, the end of the occupation and division. The danger looms that the EU-Turkey dialogue will proceed, but the occupation and division will remain, with the Cyprus problem unresolved. There is also the danger that issues such as the sharing of the natural gas revenues before the solution of the Cyprus problem will emerge, issues that have been agreed with the solution and do not constitute the essence of the Cyprus problem.

The solution to the Cyprus problem based on the agreed framework is the way out to guarantee real security and peace for Cyprus. At the same time, it would represent a development that could contribute towards de-escalation, improving Greek-Turkish relations, the solution of other problems of the region and to stability and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean. We must focus our efforts and attention towards this end, especially in view of the vote in the occupied territories. This, after all, is what is urged in the UN Resolutions, including the latest one, which expects the leaders of the two communities to start working among their communities for the solution of the Cyprus problem and the reunification of our common homeland.


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