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Turkey’s illegal actions dangerously escalate tension in the sensitive region of the Eastern Mediterranean

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12TH February 2018, Nicosia

Turkey’s pirate actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus this time have surpassed every precedent with the obstruction of the ENI Company’s drilling ship on its way to the Cuttlefish (“Soupia”) location in Block 3.

The new Turkish provocations flagrantly violate the principle of the territorial integrity of states, as well as the conventional and customary Law of the Sea. Therefore, the international community, and in particular the UN and the European Union, are urged to act decisively towards Ankara to put an end to its illegal actions that dangerously escalate tension in the sensitive region of the Eastern Mediterranean.

We repeat for the umpteenth time that the most effective way for the Republic of Cyprus to exercise its sovereign right to the natural resources within its EEZ is the solution of the Cyprus problem. We recall that the convergences that were achieved in 2010 with respect to maritime zones, natural resources and the sharing of federal revenues, to which the Secretary-General of the UN makes reference to in its latest report, comprehensively resolve the issue of natural gas simultaneously with the overall solution of the Cyprus problem.

We expect the President of the Republic to take initiatives in the direction of the resumption of the negotiations.


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