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Turkey is threatening and provoking, but the Anastasiades-DISY government’s policies don’t even manage to expose it

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26th September 2020, Nicosia

Whenever the government is criticized for its handlings on the Cyprus problem and its foreign policy, instead of giving convincing answers, it attacks the opposition, which it claims doesn’t criticise Turkey.

This is what the government did again yesterday, which attacked AKEL once again. The government spokesman didn’t even read the first paragraph of AKEL’s statement which referred to Turkey’s illegal actions.

It is obvious that the government is addressing the domestic front in order to hide its problematic image and unreliability abroad.

Neither the UN, nor the EU shares the rhetoric of the President and government with regards the Cyprus problem. The Secretary General of the UN praised Turkey for its stance at Crans Montana and blamed the two leaders for missing a “historic opportunity”, but also for the ongoing stalemate. Instead of addressing the UN Secretary General, who makes these findings, the government attacks AKEL.

The government handles foreign policy issues in the same way. It raised expectations high in relation to sanctions and the veto on Turkey’s illegal actions, celebrating by claiming to have persuaded the Europeans to link as a package sanctions against Belarus and Turkey, and attacking AKEL when the failure of its policies was exposed.

We urge the government to at long last deal with the essence. As to the political level, what matters is what others say about you abroad, not what you say about yourself at home.

Communication tricks may win you votes, but the problems our country is facing are multiplying.

Turkey is threatening and provoking, but the erroneous policies of the Anastasiades-DISY government don’t even manage to expose it.


AKEL on the President of the Republic’s speech at the UN General Assembly


Speech by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou at the event on the 60th anniversary of Cyprus Independence