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Time is dangerously running out for the solution of the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on Akinci’s statement

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th June 2019, Nicosia

The statements by the Turkish Cypriot leader Mr. Akinci, with which he categorically rejects a two states solution and continues to support the solution of federation are positive and are in the right direction.

These statements refute the myth being cultivated by certain circles that it makes no difference whoever might be in the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community. It is obvious that Mr. Akinci differs from the views expressed by the right-wing pseudo-government in the occupied areas, which seems to enjoy Turkey’s backing. Mr. Akinci supports the solution of federation, while the right-wing pseudo-government supports a two-state solution.

In view of the fact that two fruitless barren years have already gone by and the effort to reach an agreement on the terms of reference seems to be failing, it is clear that time is dangerously running out for the solution of the Cyprus problem. In addition, it shouldn’t escape our attention the fact that next April “elections” will take place in the occupied territories for the assumption of the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community, which may possibly create new negative fait accompli.

Having this in mind, there is no choice other than to focus our efforts on the resumption of the negotiations as the UN Secretary-General defines, something of course which presupposes the termination of Turkey’s provocative actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus.

For the UN Secretary-General the resumption of negotiations means their continuation from the point where they had remained on the basis of the Guterres Framework and the safeguarding of the convergences that have been recorded. That’s precisely where President Anastasiades must concentrate his efforts on by taking specific initiatives without putting forth terms, preconditions and footnotes.

Only in this way will all the involved parties taken on their responsibilities and be obliged to reveal their real intentions. For that reason, either the negotiations will resume or the intransigence and negativity of those who do not want a solution will be exposed, a solution that will liberate and reunify Cyprus within the framework of a bicommunal, bizonal federation.


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