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There is no room for any tactical games and expediencies in the protection of human rights



Statement by AKEL MP Aristos Damianou on foreclosures

5 July 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The tactic of undermining draft bills that seek to protect family homes shortly before or after Parliament’s plenary was well known to the previous government. Events over the last few hours confirm that the Christodoulides government is following the same tactics. Unfortunately for citizens, it is following the policy of its predecessors.

The proposals which AKEL, together with other parties and MPs, tabled are well known. They aim to facilitate viable restructurings, the fair evaluation of property value and unhindered access to justice for borrowers, a right which was taken away in 2018. Tomorrow our proposals will be put before the plenary for a vote. That’s where all parties will be judged.

Mr. Christodoulides’ rush initiative is indicative of the government’s inability to fulfill commitments made since last March to table legislative proposals. The purpose is obvious, as it aims to prevent the legislative regulation of the right to secure a temporary suspension of foreclosures orders provided that it is deemed correct and fair by the Court.

The government’s arguments are false and unsubstantiated. Really, how are banks at risk when a small percentage of non-performing loans remained in the banking system? When the President of the European Banking Authority states that the liquidity and capitalisation of systemic banks are running above the EU average? Why was it considered wrong when Parliament promotes a suspension of foreclosures in the absence of legislative protection but now that – as it is said hedge funds or management buyout companies will do it of their own accord it is right? Why is it that when the government promotes legislation the law of contracts is not violated but the opposite is true when Parliament does it?

We understand that the President has had contact with the co-governing parties and DISY. We will await an official update. We will support what is moving in the correct direction but we are not going to play games with citizens. At a time when the homes of families who are not strategic defaulters are being sold off, neither any tactical gamers nor serving expediencies should be permitted.



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