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The Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey should move from verbal announcements to practical deeds and actions


Statement by Georgos Louciades, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson 

AKEL C.C Press Office, 26th March 2014, Nicosia

1920523_10152224026206142_772405407_nThe Turkish Cypriot side through statements made by Mr. Ozersay is reiterating the same communications game it attempted also during the previous government. That is to say, to create the impression that it is the one in a hurry for a solution and that we can immediately enter into a final stage of negotiation.

The Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey must abandon the deceptive communications tricks and move from verbal announcements to practical deeds and actions. Namely, that they should harmonise their proposals and positions to be in line with the agreed framework of the negotiations, the resolutions of the United Nations, International Law and the given convergences that were registered between Christofias and Talat. Otherwise, not only will we not reach a final stage of negotiations, but the gap in the positions of the sides will continue to grow and with it, the prospect of arriving at an agreement.

The Greek Cypriot side on the other hand, must act in such a way so that it does not facilitate the communications games of the other side. This goal can be served better if the Greek Cypriot side remains firmly committed to the agreed framework and to the convergences that had been recorded previously.


AKEL backs the efforts towards a solution and not the government's policies


Intervention of Christos Christofides, member of the P.B. of AKEL at the Meeting between G/c and T/c Parties