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The treacherous perpetuation and legitimization of partition will merely create new dangers and threats for our homeland and people

Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member and Nicosia-Kyrenia District Secretary

AKEL C.C. Press Office. 5 May 2018, Nicosia

The consolidation of the stalemate on the Cyprus problem and the non-productive passage of time leads to the perpetuation of the occupation and de facto partition, which only serves Turkey and victimizes our country and people.

The stalemate can be overcome through the resumption of substantive negotiations on a correct basis and based on the Guterres framework, which, as the UN Secretary-General pointed out, aims at the establishment of a “normal state” in Cyprus. That is to say, a federal state with a single sovereignty, a single nationality and a single international personality, without guarantees, intervention rights and occupation troops with a united land, economy and institutions, with the respect of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all lawful citizens. This solution must be based on International and European law.

The will of Mr. Akinci and above all of Turkey for a correct solution will be tested at the negotiations. Substantive talks are the only way to arrive at a correct solution that will rid us of the occupation. Otherwise, if Turkey through its stand is preventing the achievement of a correct solution then it should be exposed before the international community.

At this moment in time, unfortunately, Turkey is acting uncontrollably without responsibilities being assigned on it, consolidating the occupation and de facto partition. This is due, among other things, to the regressions and erroneous handlings of Mr. Anastasiades on the Cyprus problem.

Any attempt to create a climate in favour of a two-state solution is disastrous. The treacherous perpetuation and legitimization of partition will merely create new dangers and threats for our homeland and people.

The only way today to overcome the tragic deadlocks is to make use of the possibility of resuming the negotiations from where they had remained at Crans Montana, on a correct basis, which is the framework of the UN Secretary-General.


Government spokesman statements a shameless distortion of reality


What is needed is a simple and straightforward statement that the President is ready to proceed in the way the UNSG asks