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The submission of coordinates is of practical importance only in view of negotiations for a delimitation agreement

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 5th January 2018, Nicosia

According to the statement issued today by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kasoulides, the Republic of Cyprus intends to submit coordinates for the rest of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the time of their submission will depend on Turkish provocative actions.

The submission of coordinates is a sovereign right and customary practice of states. Of course, the submission of coordinates does not amount to a delimitation, but merely constitutes a statement by a State of what it claims as its exclusive EEZ. In order to become its own, a delimitation agreement must be concluded with the neighboring states for it to be indeed considered its own.

Consequently the submission of coordinates is of practical importance only with a view to a negotiation for a delimitation agreement. The conclusion of such an agreement with Turkey is unfeasible before the solution of the Cyprus problem, given that, inter alia, this would be tantamount to the de jure recognition of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey. It is obvious that the submission of coordinates is not something urgent. Whether it is done now or after the solution of the Cyprus problem, the result will be exactly the same, bearing indeed in mind also the Christofias – Talat convergence on the maritime zones which, inter alia, stipulates that during the negotiations for delimitation the position of the federal Republic will be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

As for the government’s rush to announce its intention to submit co-ordinates at this very moment in time, which follows the dangerous mistake committed by the outgoing President with regards the EEZ and just three weeks before the presidential election, we’ll leave this action to be judged by the people.


Outgoing President’s statement ον the Exclusive Economic Zone unacceptable and extremely dangerous


Deep resentment about the government's attempt to refute the negative impressions created by the President’s statement on EEZ issues