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The solution of the Cyprus problem cannot be partition

Radio interview Toumazos Tsielepis, AKEL Political Bureau member

May 7, 2018 “Astra” radio station

The idea of ​​a two-state solution has gradually begun to be cultivated by certain circles and forces on the Greek Cypriot side as well, stated Toumazos Tsielepis Head of the Cyprus Problem Office of the C.C. of AKEL speaking to the morning news edition of “Astra” radio station.

Mr. Tsielepis stressed that the solution of the Cyprus problem cannot be partition, because the country will gradually be led to horrible adventures.

He also noted that we must not permit developments to lead to the finalization of partition, underlining that AKEL is completely against such a prospect.

Mr. Tsielepis said President Anastasiades’ initial reaction to the Akinci statement was an awkward silence, but it appeared that second thoughts were subsequently made.

Toumazos Tsielepis indeed characterized Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulide’s statement said that the President would not insist that the talks should begin with the internal aspects of the Cyprus problem and then we shall see as positive.

Mr. Tsielepis said that if they meant what they say, these statements are in the right direction so that talks can resume from where they had remained at Crans Montana.


What is needed is a simple and straightforward statement that the President is ready to proceed in the way the UNSG asks


The Anastasiades government is entangling Cyprus in dangerous confrontations