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The Social Alliance is taking on a practical form


With an eye on the future

20 March 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The event with the motto “With an eye on the future” took place successfully yesterday, during which the formation of the Social Alliance was officially announced, an initiative to create an alliance of social forces and personalities with AKEL and the Left on the basis of a progressive agenda. Stefanos Stefanou, General Secretary of AKEL, Andreas Ashiotis, candidate for President of the Nicosia District Municipal Organization, Stavros Malas, former Minister of Health and Andreas Mavroyiannis, Honorary Ambassador and Member of the United Nations International Law Commission addressed the event. The event was opened by the representative of the Social Alliance Initiative, Andri Hatziandreou.

As pointed out by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, building on the legacy of the successful custom of the “New Forces”, the Social Alliance brings three new qualitative elements: the existence of a clear political agenda, which is outlined in the political manifesto, the increased participation in the discussion and decision-making processes in AKEL and the best organizational structure of the Platform without, of course, copying the Party structure and function.

The Declaration was approved announcing “the formation of a broad and open Social Alliance with a progressive content, which aspires to promote synthesis and develop relationships of cooperation with those people and forces who share our vision to lead our country and people forward”. The Social Alliance invites “every fellow citizen who shares the above vision and principles, who wants to once again give hope and a perspective to Cyprus and our people through the formulation of a progressive alternative

proposal and who believes that the future of Cyprus can and must to be better, to join forces with all of us, to create together, in an equal and democratic manner, the broad Social Alliance”. “A Social Alliance”, the declaration concludes, “which with its eyes on the future will have a leading role in the effort for a better Cyprus”.







This scandal must not be covered up too!