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The revival of empty slogans are damaging Cyprus’ cause


Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson

14th October 2014, Nicosia


green lineThe agreement for cooperation in the fields of maritime search and rescue signed by the Foreign Ministers of Cyprus and Greece, in accordance with the relevant provisions of International Conventional Law, is a move in the right direction. Similar agreements are common practice of states and both countries have signed agreements with other neighbouring states too.

However, assessments such as that with the agreement we are protected from Turkey’s aggressive actions, or that the maritime area between Cyprus and Greece is unified and that the “single defence dogma” is revived, besides having no relationship with reality are politically damaging. The last thing we need in today’s very adverse conditions is the resurrection of pompous slogans but meaningless in content which in the recent past harmed Cyprus’ cause.

The pressing need at this moment is not to indulge in populism before the people, but to create conditions for the effective tackling of the intolerable – and contrary to International Law – Turkish provocation along the southern coast of the Republic of Cyprus. This is how we will achieve the resumption of the negotiating procedure which is the only practical way to solve the Cyprus problem.


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