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The President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy replies to the letters of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 5th May 2020, Nicosia

The President of the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union sent a reply to the letters addressed by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Andros Kyprianou, last February, in which he raised the issue of Turkey’s provocative actions in relation to the enclosed city of Famagusta. The text of the letter of reply follows:

“Dear Mr. Kyprianou,

Thank you for your letters of February 26, 2020 to the President of the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who have asked me to reply on their behalf.

The European Union has continuously supported the negotiations between the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus for a fair, comprehensive and sustainable settlement of the Cyprus problem. It is urgent to resume substantive settlement talks aimed at the reunification of the island inside the European Union, based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as set out in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. On the status of Famagusta (Varosha), the European Union will continue to be guided by UN Security Council Resolution 550 (1984) and other relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

The EU has repeatedly emphasised that it remains crucial that Turkey commits and contributes to a settlement of the Cyprus problem within the United Nations framework in accordance with relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and in line with the principles on which the European Union is founded and the acquis.

Please rest assured that the EU will continue to do its upmost to encourage a resumption of the negotiations between the leaders of the two Cypriot communities as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


Maarten VERWEY

European Commission

Director General for Structural Reform Support

Acting Director General”


Cooperation between the two communities is demanded to address threats


Joint Statement of AKEL and the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) - “Cooperation and Solidarity for Health”