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The President must clarify that he will proceed as the UN Secretary-General proposes on the Cyprus problem

Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides, AKEL Political Bureau member and AKEL-Left-New Forces Representative

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4 June 2018, Nicosia

cyprus NATO cprToday’s news report published in “Alithia” newspaper with regards the UN General Secretary’s intentions on the Cyprus problem is extremely worrying and fully confirms AKEL’s assessments and warnings. According to the newspaper’s report, it may be very difficult to convince Mr. Guterres to get involved, either directly or indirectly, with the Cyprus problem again, while the confrontation over his Framework had discouraged him even more.

The newspaper’s information does not link the difficulties with Turkey’s refusal to give its approval to the proposed the UN SG’s envoy, given that they attribute it to the upcoming elections and consider it temporary. The Secretary-General’s reflection is much deeper and has to do with the unproductive confrontation and conflicting practices of the leaders of both communities.

The Presidential Palace is fond of accusing AKEL of turning into an advocate of Turkish positions and assessments. What “Alithia” newspaper writes does not differ in essence anything from AKEL’s criticism of the President for his handlings. We wonder whether the Presidential Palace will now also accuse this specific newspaper as a mouthpiece of Turkish positions.

The crux of the matter is this: As long as the President, disregarding the consequences, is pursuing his policy on the Cyprus problem for internal consumption purposes and as long as he does not make a clear statement that he is ready to proceed in the manner proposed by the UN Secretary-General, no initiative will be taken, while the tension will escalate with the immediate danger of developing into a crisis.


Address of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL to the 3rd Annual Conference "The Left and the Cyprus problem"


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