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The “packaging” and negotiation of all the main outstanding issues the only way for the talks not to collapse

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th April 2017, Nicosia

cyprus NATO cprUndoubtedly the responsibility for today’s disappointing situation in the negotiations on the Cyprus problem lies with Turkey, while the Turkish Cypriot leader is not devoid of responsibility.

The President of the Republic must realize that the only way for the talks not to collapse, with the real danger of responsibility being apportioned on our side as well, is the “packaging” and comprehensive negotiation of all the main outstanding issues.

AKEL is convinced that, despite the enormous difficulties that evidently exist, this methodology can lead to a positive result, provided of course that the agreements of the talks, including those discussed in Mont Peleran, will be respected.

If some circles and forces are under the impression that at this stage we must either deal with secondary issues or that we should seek vague new strategies, then they must reply to the following simple question: what do we do if the procedure collapses and responsibilities are apportioned on our side?

Even if at best this doesn’t happen, they must know that the day after the presidential elections in March 2018, the Cyprus problem will be in a worse situation on the ground than it is today. Only those who are blind or have other priorities can’t see this reality.


The President’s decision to refer the Enosis Bill is above all a political decision with obvious objectives


They first found a candidate and then they’ll seek to merge diametrically opposing policies