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The occupied Pentadactylos range is testimony to the results of Grivas’ actions


Those the government, DISY and ELAM commemorate have gone down in the darkest pages of History

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26 January 2020, Nicosia

The Anastasiades government and the Presidents of both governing DISY party and ultra-right ELAM party attended for yet another year the memorial event to honour Grivas, which continued with a gathering at his underground hideout, where the founder and leader of the EOKA B organisation was hiding during the years of the extreme-right fascist organization’s activity.

The annual gathering of the Greek Cypriot Right-wing to honor Grivas rubs salt in the open wound of our homeland and people, the Turkish occupation. It is however also a constant reminder that the defense of the historical truth is not harking on the past, but a constant duty and obligation.

The Right and the extreme-right may believe that by insisting on honoring Grivas, they will be able to distort and falsify the historical truth and erase the crimes committed by the fascism of EOKA B. But these crimes cannot be erased. These crimes can be seen when looking at the occupied Pentadactylos mountain range, crimes scattered throughout the cemeteries of Cyprus, in the refugee settlements and in the coffins in which our missing persons are still to this day returning in.

EOKA B’s fascism was neither a “mistake”, nor some “foolish” act. It was a conscious betrayal and concerted effort together with the Greek junta and Turkey’s Attila army, for the partition of our island, which was organized by the boss of all of them, namely NATO. That’s precisely how all those the Anastasiades government, governing DISY and extreme-right ELAM commemorates have gone down in the darkest pages of History.

History can’t be overturned, no matter how many monuments and memorial events they may erect and hold in honour of Grivas. The mothers of the fallen, the refugees and war-stricken people of the Cyprus tragedy are still mourning and saying “May those responsible find no rest!”

And this will forever accompany both Grivas, as well as the masterminds of the betrayal committed.


Where is this supposed “shielding” of the Cypriot EEZ?


Speech by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou at the anti-imperialist mobilization against the British installation on the Troodos mountain peak and excursion organised by EDON Youth