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The last person who can talk about “common struggles” is Nicolas Papadopoulos

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th September 2017, Nicosia

The President of DIKO party Nicolas Papadopoulos in a TV interview he gave today remembered DIKO’s common struggles with the Left. AKEL recognizes and respects those common struggles. Besides, AKEL was always working on the basis of principles for these common struggles to defend Cyprus, society and citizens.

However, the last person who can talk about these common struggles is Nicolas Papadopoulos, who in cooperation with governing DISY party President Averof Neophytou imposed the neo-liberal policies that have seen social inequality jump to unprecedented heights. They have caused problems for working people, the young generation and citizens in general, and they have shattered Cypriot society’s social fabric.

Citizens remember that Nicolas Papadopoulos, along with DISY, fought as few others the previous government. Nicolas Papadopoulos has now remembered the common struggles, but when AKEL was declaring that it was ready for a dialogue on the presidential election, he was the one who publicly rejected any dialogue and prospect of cooperation and at the same time he hurriedly announced his own candidacy for the presidential election.


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