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The interstate agreement isnt an agreement for the construction of the EastMed pipeline


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2nd January 2020, Nicosia

The Republic of Cyprus has sovereign rights within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), including the right to energy planning. The signing of the interstate agreement on the EastMed pipeline is within the framework of the exercise of these sovereign rights.

Given this, we consider that it is our duty to inform the people objectively about the real situation surrounding EastMed so that illusions shouldn’t be created that will subsequently provoke disapointment.

The interstate agreement does not constitute an agreement for the construction of the pipeline, but merely sets out the international legal framework so that the prior consent of the contracting states should be secured when and if its construction is finally decided by interested companies.

To accomplish such an ambitious project as EastMed a host of difficulties and problems, both technical and financial, must be overcome. In the end, only if the project is considered viable – which according to current facts does not appear so likely – will we find companies willing to implement it.

The issue of natural gas, and of the Republic of Cyprus’ energy program in general, in addition to its techno-economic aspects, also have potent political implications. AKEL is adamant in its position that the natural gas must be used for the promotion of the solution to the Cyprus problem, as well as for the diffusion of the tension which Turkey is provoking with its illegal actions.

AKEL’s position, which unfortunately is being daily vindicated by developments themselves, is that without a solution of the Cyprus problem we will constantly find Turkey before us threatening us and raising obstacles and causing tension.

We therefore need to remain focused on resolving the Cyprus problem, which will address effectively many of the problems Turkey is provoking and open up the prospects for cooperation in our region.


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