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The imminent start of the substantive phase of the negotiations is crucially important

Statement of Toumazos Tsielepis, Head of the

Cyprus problem Office of the C.C. of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 5th May 2014, Nicosia

kibris_gocmenThe imminent start of the substantive phase of the negotiations is crucial importance for the future course of our political problem. AKEL’s principal priority remains the solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of principles, through the intercommunal talks which is the only feasible way to achieve it. That is why AKEL supports the negotiation procedure, without this meaning giving a blank check to anyone.

The process of exploring each side’s positions in advance has significantly widened the gap between the positions of the two sides. This trend cannot continue and must be reversed. And it certainly will not be reversed if the talks start from scratch. It is imperative that the negotiation continues from where it had left off and that the basic convergences, from which the Turkish Cypriot side is persistently trying to depart from and abandon, must be respected. If we facilitate the Turkish Cypriot side in fulfilling this goal, the gap will remain or even increase further, thus rendering the procedure ineffective, time consuming and it fading. In turn, this can provoke external pressures and interventions, aiming at imposing a solution by third parties.

We are entering a critical stage for the future of our people and country and we cannot afford the luxury of committing new errors, nor petty-party considerations. The President of the Republic must proceed with determination and collective handling within the framework of the National Council. On their part, all the political forces, always respecting the principles of the solution of the Cyprus problem and different views, must support as much as they can the difficult new effort that is just beginning. AKEL on its part will do all that it can towards this end.


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