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The Greek Cypriot side must be clear, consistent and convincing in its commitment to bi-zonal, bi-communal federation

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the letter of the UN Secretary General to President Anastasiades

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th October 2020, Nicosia

The letter from the UN Secretary General to President Anastasiades confirms Mr. Guterres’ willingness to proceed to a new effort on the Cyprus problem and convene an informal five-party meeting.

We stress his reference to the fact that the parameters of the UN and the relevant Resolutions of the UN Security Council set out the return to negotiations and the sought solution, something which has a double significance given the Erdogan-Tatar statements made in favor of abandoning federation and for a two-state solution.

In view of these statements, the Greek Cypriot side must be clear, consistent and convincing in its commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as set out in the Resolutions of the UN, for a resumption of negotiations from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana, on the basis of the Guterres Framework and the convergences recorded so far.

The need for this consistency on the part of the Greek Cypriot side is extremely pressing, as the resumption of negotiations is the most effective way in these conditions to save the fenced off city of Famagusta.

The plans and threats being launched by Turkey and Tatar for the colonalisation of Varosha must activate all those who want to prevent new fait accompli against Cyprus. In this context, we recall that the resumption of the negotiation procedure from the point where it had remained at Crans Montana implies that the Turkish Cypriot side must bring back the map it had submitted in Geneva and withdrew, given that it was preceded by the withdrawal of Anastasiades’ proposals.

This map includes the return of the fenced off city of Varosha and beyond. The Turkish Cypriot side would be irreparably exposed on the one hand to include Varosha in the said map and on the other hand to proceed with the creation of fait accompli in the same area.



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