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The government ruling forces clashed with every institution that they hadn’t managed to control and subordinate

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the government’s attacks on independent institutions

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th November 2020, Nicosia

The new institutional crisis that has broken out between the government ruling forces and the Audit Office is again due to the mentality that characterizes the Anastasiades-DISY government. The government ruling forces cannot withstand and do not tolerate any criticism whatsoever. They do not tolerate anyone disclosing their scandals. That is precisely why they are constantly attacking AKEL.

The conflicts between the government ruling forces and independent institutions are not a current phenomenon. They date back. The government ruling forces aren’t only clashing with the Auditor General. They clashed with every institution that the government ruling forces hadn’t managed to control and subordinate. Two Central Bankers, the former Attorney General, the Chief and Deputy Chief of Police, the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry on the Cyprus Cooperative Bank are just some of those who were targeted by the government ruling forces.

The truth is quite clear: The Anastasiades-DISY government is trying by every means to cover up the golden passport industry scandal that it itself has set up. But society demands that more light be shed and that the perpetrators of the scandal be held accountable. Towards this end, AKEL will take the initiative so that the latest report of the Audit Service on the passports issue will be discussed in the Parliamentary Audit Committee.





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