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The government must tell the truth about what is being promoted in Cyprus-US relations

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 21 June 2019, Nicosia

AKEL, through the tabling of two parliamentary questions by its Parliamentary Representative, Yiorgos Loucaides is once again calling on the DISY-Anastasiades government to give explanations with regards what is being promoted in relation to the presence of the US on our island and what commitments are being undertaken towards the Trump Government.

The Anastasiades government must at long last provide explanations concerning the content of the notorious Declaration of Intent on Defence and Security Issues which was signed in November 2018 between the Foreign Ministers of the US and Cyprus and with regards the work being carried out within the area of the British Base for the construction of new military infrastructures of enormous dimensions and costing tens of millions, which will serve the military needs of the United States.


The full text of the questions tabled by AKEL towards the government follows:

Question tabled by AKEL Nicosia District MP Yiorgos Loucaides

The relevant Minister is urged to inform the House of Representatives about the work being carried out in the grounds of the British base for the construction of new military infrastructures of enormous dimensions and cost to serve the military needs of the United States of America.

More specifically, the relevant Minister is called upon to brief the House of Representatives of the following:

  1. Is the Government aware of the work we are referring to above? Is this work related in any way to agreements promoted or are being promoted by the government with the US in the field of defence and security?
  2. Has the Republic of Cyprus given a permit for these projects/work to be carried out?
  3. What purposes will the new military infrastructures serve? Has the government assessed the geo-political consequences that their presence on our island will have?
  4. How is the goal for the withdrawal of the British bases served, when and provided that the decision is taken by the Republic of Cyprus to raise this issue, through a corresponding size of upgrading of military infrastructures to the benefit of the United States?

Question by AKEL Nicosia District MP Yiorgos Loucaides

In November 2018, a Statement of Intent was signed between the Foreign Ministers of the US and Cyprus, which, according to all that the government announced, includes a series of actions that enhance the strategic relations between the two countries with a focus on security issues. Indeed it is mentioned that the actions that have been agreed involve six Ministries of the Republic of Cyprus. In statements made by the Foreign Minister, the Cyprus-US Declaration of Intent is associated with the Cyprus problem and the issues of security and guarantees. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is called upon:

  1. To submit to the House of Representatives the text of the Cyprus-US Declaration of Intent and to brief it about what specific actions have been agreed.
  2. To inform the House about how the Cyprus-US Declaration of Intent is linked with the solution of the Cyprus Problem and more specifically to the aspect of security and guarantees.
  3. To inform the House whether the recent Menendez-Rubio Bill is part or is associated to what is included in the Declaration of Intent and whether the full content of the bill was known to the government?

Finally, the six relevant Ministers are urged to brief the House of what actions they have already taken or intend to take to implement what has been agreed in the Statement of Intent.


Anastasiades should brief about the content of the discussion he had with Ozersay and be accountable for his actions


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on Tatar statements, Varosha and the Cyprus problem