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The government must finally turn to other countries and companies to get vaccines – It is clear that EU vaccination planning has failed


Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou after meeting a delegation of the Pancyprian Association of Event Professionals


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th March 2021, Nicosia

“We had a meeting with the Pancyprian Association of Event Professionals during which we discussed the problems that concern the specific Association.

As I said yesterday too, professionals, businessmen who deal with these issues, such as event businessmen, catering-entertainment professionals, gymnasts, dance schools and many groups of professionals face enormous difficulties as a result of the decisions taken by the government to deal with the pandemic.

This industry in essence hasn’t operated for about 8 months. It needs support from the government and effective support to be able to open again when and provided that we have overcome the pandemic. They need to elaborate a plan and prepare the events they will organize. It is therefore very important for the government to solve the problems in relation to vaccination, to deal with the problems arising from the lack of beds in hospitals so that people can plan their work.

I will therefore repeat that the government must finally turn to other countries and companies to get vaccines. It is clear that the EU vaccination planning has failed. There is a long delay. We have not proceeded at the pace we should have. We must see how we as a country will proceed to obtain vaccines from other sources, since Ursula von der Leyen herself said that there is absolutely no problem in doing so.

Secondly, AKEL insists that the public sector, which has reached its limits, cannot deal with problems on health on its own. It also needs support from the private health sector. For that reason, the government must see how it manages to cooperate with private hospitals to increase the number of beds. Different measures must therefore be taken based on the available now many beds that will exist.

I will repeat that human lives are the most important asset and we must preserve any human life, but we must also take into account the state of the economy, the enormous problems faced by businesses and entrepreneurs, first and foremost the small and medium-size businesses, as well as the mental state of the people. The people have reached their limits and the government must understand this and provide financial support, but at the same time with its decisions to see how it takes into account the psychological problems that have been provoked in society.

As far as AKEL is concerned, we will continue to express these views no matter how much the government tries to fiercely attack us. And the government must understand that when you are correct in your positions, you do not remain silent, no matter what they may say to you.”


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