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The government insists on tying Cyprus to the US war machine and implementing the Rubio-Menendez bill


Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou on Cyprus’ attachment to the US war machine

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th August 2020, Nicosia

It is with concern that we follow statements made by government officials that are gradually but committedly leading to the implementation of the provisions of the United States bill on their security strategy for the Eastern Mediterranean, better known as the Rubio-Menendez bill.

At a time when the United States, according to Trump’s own statements, are expressing thier admiration for Erdogan as an international chess player, the government is insisting on tying Cyprus to the United States war machine and literally implementing I repeat what is provided for in the Rubio-Menendez bill.

This dogmatism of the Anastasiades-DISY government for Cyprus’ attachment to the war machine of the United States and at the same time our participation in the efforts to remove our traditional friends from Cyprus, those very countries who during our country’s critical moments support us in all international forums and organisations, can only provoke concern.


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