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The government has one “truth” ready, depending on the case


AKEL C.C. Press Office Spokesperson Georgos Loucaides 

17th March 2014, Nicosia



Once again the President of the Republic, as the government ruling forces in general, depending on the case, set out their position in an extremely contradictory way. It is a fact that the government ruling forces’ actions and practices since the time they were even in opposition illustrated without any shadow of doubt that they wanted the Troika and above all that they wanted the Troika’s policies to be implemented in Cyprus. Moreover, this fact has been confirmed in the most honest way by the Finance Minister’s recent statements.

However, at the same time, in many cases during the pre-election period, even till today, they appear to act in exactly the opposite direction, arguing that Cyprus should have avoided the recourse to the Stability Mechanism. Characteristic of President Anastasiades and the government’s metamorphoses and extreme contradictions is the reference in the interview Mr. Anastasiades gave to the German newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” to the position that Cyprus should have applied to the Stability Mechanism in November 2011.

However, what was Mr. Anastasiades saying in May 2012?

More specifically, on 24th May6 2012, Mr. Anastasiades replying to a question whether Cyprus was near to the Stability Mechanism, he literally stated the following: “…the question is to avoid the Stability Mechanism. It’s not a question of how close we are, but whether we act in view of the small size of the capital that is needed to avoid this possibility because the consequences will be unpleasant for all.”

So, when is Mr. Anastasiades telling the truth? Does he perhaps simply have one “truth” ready to be used, depending of the circumstance and expediency of the moment?





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