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Privatisations are part of their ideological manifesto

Statement of George Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Spokesperson

26th March 2014, Nicosia



The people are not surprised by the Anastasiades government and governing DISY party’s policy to promote the privatization of profitable Semi-governmental organizations and in general the selling-off of our national wealth. Privatizations, as they admit, are part of their ideological and political manifesto, as they themselves consider the Memorandum yoke to be.

Furthermore, privatizations are an integral part of the new “economic miracle” which, according to the government and ruling forces, the Cypriot people is living through currently.

The Nikos Anastasiades government and the Democratic Rally party, in one year of government, have deservedly earned the title of the government of big interests. However, they should expect strong opposition and resistance to the privatizations, by all those who are on the opposite side of big interests, namely our people, citizens and working people.





The government has one "truth" ready, depending on the case


Isolate neo-fascist elements!