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The fostering of a climate of fear by the government is preparing the ground for the final partition of Cyprus

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

In a Democracy based on the rule of law in Europe, the reply to the questions DISY President Averof Neophytou puts to AKEL are self-evident and given.

Both we and A. Neophytou himself know this quite well. That’s why we wish for one thing only: that he returns to his pseudo-questions to engage in political distraction and serve electoral considerations, and not to consciously foster a climate of fear and self-destructive suspicion.

For if the latter is true then this has to do with preparing the ground so that the final partition will appear as the inevitable solution of the Cyprus problem.

In any case, both the President of DISY himself, as well as the President of the Republic, must at long last clarify the following: when are they telling the truth?

  • Are they telling the truth when they congratulate Niyazi Kizilyurek for his positions and actions in favour of a just solution of the Cyprus problem, or right now when panic-stricken they are trying to rally their supporters by demonizing his candidacy?
  • When they claim that the participation of Turkish Cypriots in the elections makes the Republic of Cyprus stronger, or when they are claiming that the Turkish Cypriots are agents of Turkey?
  • When they appoint Niyazi Kizilyurek as an advisor to the President of the Republic or when they question in a vulgar and unacceptable way his devotion to the common homeland and his very patriotism?

However much we may understand their fear of the vote for the European elections, we will not allow them with their party propaganda to drive us back to bygone times and to undermine this country’s future.

All the more so as their party propaganda identifies with the propaganda of the Turkish-Cypriot extreme-right TMT organisation, which considers Niyazi Kizilyurek as “an agent of the Greeks”.


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