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The fascist and Nazi ultra-right a deadly threat to society

AKEL on the Cyprus branch of the “Golden Dawn” party

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19th March 2019, Nicosia

The Cyprus branch of the Greek criminal Nazi “Golden Dawn” party currently on trial, which appears as the National Popular Front (ELAM), enjoying the support and backing of a section of the establishment (we recall the references to ELAM made by the Archbishop as “good kids” and the Minister of Education’s statement that ” the values and principles you (ELAM) mentioned are also our values and principles” is swearing at and threatening the entire political system in “military terms and unorthodox political war”. The threats were issued to cover up the military service draft-dodging by both the President, as well as other leading officials of the Branch of the “Golden Dawn” party, who, in spite of their fervent patriotic sloganeering they engage in on a daily basis, haven’t done their military service for the Homeland within the ranks of the National Guard. Other than that, they declare that they are ready to “liberate” the Homeland and “sacrifice” their lives for it.

When AKEL was issuing warnings and denouncing every so often the machinations and objectives of the neo-Nazis of ELAM in Cyprus, a number of those forces and circles now protesting about ELAM found themselves, in many cases, on the same line as them, either by attacking the solution of federation or by voting in favour of their amendments in the House of Representatives.

Even at this late stage, we hope that they have realised that the Ultra-Right and its Nazi offspring constitute a deadly threat to our society, and that their stand must be steadfast and consistent, and not the result of any expediency that has to do with the upcoming European elections.


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