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The EU measures are far from being effective, indeed taking into account the seriousness of Turkey’s provocative actions


AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stephanou reply to DISY

The most effective way to put an end to Turkey’s illegal actions in the Cypriot EEZ is the solution of the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th October 2019, Nicosia

We have repeatedly stated our positions on the need for action to be taken and for sanctions to be applied on Turkey. As DISY is distorting AKEL’s positions, we shall repeat them once again.

In the face of Turkey’s illegal actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus, AKEL is in favor of effective and preventive measures and sanctions being approved against Turkey. Of course, those measures that the EU has endorsed are far from being such, indeed taking into account the seriousness of Turkey’s provocative actions.

Of course, in AKEL’s view it is clear that the most effective way to put an end to Turkey’s illegal actions in the Cypriot EEZ is through the solution of the Cyprus problem. That is precisely why we must be prepared, if and provided that the UN Secretary-General convenes a trilateral meeting, the Greek Cypriot side should respond positively by reiterating to Mr. Guterres that we are ready for a resumption of negotiations from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana and on the basis of the Framework the Secretary General had submitted.


EU measures are well short of the circumstances and don’t stop Turkey’s actions


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