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The EU is preparing a new military intervention


At the same time when the peoples in Europe are suffering from the policies of austerity and impoverishment imposed on them, the ruling class in the European Union is preparing to launch yet another military operation in the Central African Republic. As AKEL has repeatedly pointed out, the competition and rivalries between the powerful centres of the world for the control of the energy sources, pipelines and markets – in the conditions of a crisis – are evolving into dangerous war and military adventures.

In this case, the Central African Republic was a French colony for years which was not allowed to develop its independence. The “divide and rule” policy was implemented and the colonialists enforced their rule. Today, the excuse given for the intervention is the humanitarian crisis. Once again, the role of the United Nations is being substituted. We wonder whether this is the role that the EU promised to its peoples.

The Cypriot people and all the peoples of the EU should be aware that since 2002, the EU has intervened militarily / politically more than twenty times in three continents. Every European must ask himself/herself what geopolitical and economic interests are hidden behind this policy, if all these actions have made ​​the EU a “global factor of peace” as it was being advertised and promoted and if these policies have served the interests of the peoples of the European continent.

In addition, AKEL points out that the recent EU decisions to increase the investments in the arms industry and in military research constitute a threat to international peace and security. Furthermore, the announcement that seven European countries have agreed cooperation to develop a program to manufacture unmanned military aircraft proves that the EU is determined to follow the U.S. on the path of using killer drones which are spreading death indiscriminately. Technology and science are serving wars instead of being tools in the service of peace, development and social prosperity. They are serving the interests of monopoly companies and conglomerates, and especially those of the military and arms industry.

The Government and the relevant Minister must explain to the Cypriot people why they consent to these decisions.

Moreover, in view of the upcoming European elections in May, the people of Cyprus and all the peoples of the EU will again face the dilemma: Do we want “more” of this kind of EU? Of NATO, militarization and the merchants of war? Or do we want the Europe of peace and of the peoples?


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