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AKEL on Nelson Mandela’s passing away



AKEL expresses its deep condolences to the people of South Africa regarding the passing away of the historical leader and fighter of their country Nelson Mandela. At the same time we express our condolences to his family and all of his friends, comrades and all those worldwide that have been inspired from the life and work of the missing fighter for the global ideals.

Undoubtedly, the range of the personality of Nelson Mandela exceeds the narrow borders of a country, since his struggle for the global ideals of the racial equity, democracy, liberty and social progress have inspired the struggle of all the progressive forces around the world. His struggle led to the final overturn of the racist apartheid regime, succeeding a historical conquest of the whole humanity on its path for progress.

Mandela’s struggle, within the African National Congress, got through obstacles until reaching the final victory. Since 1960, he joined the armed struggle against the regime after the intolerable continuation of apartheid. He passed 27 years of his life in the prisons of the racial regime and his struggle received huge international support. Many were those, within and outside his country, who fought against him characterizing him as terrorist and dangerous. A basic example is the fact that until 2008 he was included in the list of terrorists of the USA. At the same time, in the path of his struggle he received huge international solidarity from peace loving countries, organizations and movements, a fact that contributed to the achievement of the final victory and overthrow of the apartheid regime.

In 1991 he led the African National Congress and in 1994, when for the first time elections without racial discriminations were held, he was elected as the first black President of South Africa. He is leaving a huge legacy through his efforts for reconciliation of his people, black and white, through the years of his presidency.

AKEL expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the African National Congress (ANC), the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in their efforts to continue the struggle of Nelson Mandela for social progress and resolution of the complicated challenges in the African continent.


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