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The ban imposed on the “His Mother” documentary play by the occupation authorities is unacceptable


19 March 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

AKEL denounces the unacceptable action by the occupation authorities to ban the performance of the “His Mother” documentary play by the Antilogos Theatre. The performance was set and was to be organised by the Theatre in cooperation with a Turkish Cypriot think tank in Kyrenia. However, at the last minute the so-called “Prefect” of Kyrenia decided that permission was needed for the performance to take place. As we know, the performance is about the drama of the heroic Papalazarou family and is dedicated to the mother of the two heroes of the coup d’état and the invasion.

The ban on the performance provoked a strong reaction from progressive people within the Turkish Cypriot community, who expressed their opposition to the ban.

AKEL joins its voice with that of the forces of peace and progress, expressing its solidarity with the people of the Antilogos Theatre. Art can and must remain a bridge of peace and cooperation between the two communities.






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