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Targeting institutions not executing orders undermines the rule of law and democracy

Statement by AKEL Parliamentary Representative G. Loucaides

Instead of responding on the substance, they are threatening

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 29th November 2020, Nicosia

The Anastasiades-DISY government, instead of responding to the substance of the Audit service’s Report, has resorted to issuing threats to prosecute the Auditor General because he was fulfilling his duties stemming from the Constitution.

The government’s behaviour on the one hand proves its guilt in the new scandals revealed by the Audit Service’s Report. On the other hand, it confirms the reasons why the government is trying to avoid, by any means, the involvement of the Audit Service in the scrutiny of the rotten, as they have turned it into, scheme of honorary naturalizations.

The Anastasiades-DISY government’s whole behaviour is indicative and characteristic of a government that does not respect institutions, does not tolerate any questioning and criticism and which is systematically undermining the rule of law in our country.

There’s been numerous victims of the authoritarian-autocratic behavior of the government ruling forces. Among them, Central bankers, the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Police, as well as the former Attorney General. In other words, any institution or independent official that does not execute the government ruling force’s instructions is targeted automatically.

Society’s resistance to the authoritarian methods employed by the government ruling forces is now an imperative necessity for the defence of Democracy and the rule of law.

Furthermore, society demands answers from the government ruling forces about the new scandals being revealed on the golden passport scheme that they have set up, repeatedly exposing and shaming our country internationally.


Society has an obligation to attach much more importance to children with disabilities


Measures and actions should be within the framework of reason and proportionality