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Statement by AKEL Spokesperson S.Stefanou on the findings of the Audit Office’s investigation into “golden” passports


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th October 2020, Nicosia

What the Audit Office is denouncing stemming from the investigation it has managed to carry out into the “golden” passports – before the government prohibited its access to the Ministry of Interior’s files – is very serious.

What the Audit Office is denouncing explains why the government is afraid to allow the Auditor General to continue and complete the investigation it is conducting. The investigation in reality reveals the leading role of the government in the “golden” passport scandal.

AKEL once again urges the government to allow the Auditor General and his Office to complete their investigation. This investigation is being carried out within the Auditor General’s competences and in no way does it replace – as the government claims – the work of the investigative committee that it itself has appointed.



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