Home  |  News>AKEL- Popular Movement   |  Speech of Stefanos Stefanou, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, at the meeting in remembrance and honour of the hero of the Resistance to the fascist coup d’etat Sotiris Adamou Constantinou

Speech of Stefanos Stefanou, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, at the meeting in remembrance and honour of the hero of the Resistance to the fascist coup d’etat Sotiris Adamou Constantinou


Monday, 14th July 2014, Ayios Dometios suburb, Nicosia


On 15th July 1974, roughly 8.20 in the morning, the countdown began to the execution of the plan that had been prepared long ago for the partition of Cyprus. The coup d’etat of the junta in Athens and EOKA B began to overthrow the lawful government of President Makarios.

10401969_828710563829439_7350698422222923513_nAt the same time, our people’s confrontation with history commenced. The Special Reservist Force objectively found itself in the frontline of this battle; a force which was set up by Makarios to combat the murderous, terrorist activity of the underground EOKA B ‘ organisation and the Greek junta officers who staffed the National Guard. Citizens of the Resistance managed to get supplies of arms and put up resistance against a far superior opponent.

Sotiris Adamou Constantinou took part in this confrontation with history too. He was serving his military service in the Special Commando “Green Berets” Forces (LOK), that were in fact entrusted with the task of seizing the Presidential Palace in the coup. Sotiris found himself facing on opposite sides the defenders of democracy and legality. He found himself in conflict with his beliefs, values ​​and ideals which his parents, family, the political spectrum he belonged, namely the People’s Movement of the Left, had raised him with.

Sotiris did not for a siongle moment hesitate or pause in this battle. He did not flinch at all. He refused to obey an illegal order that was given to attack democracy and legality. He stood up to illegality and did not take up his position to fight the democratic fighters. Sotiris knew very well that those opposite him were not his enemies, but people sharing the same ideology as him, his brothers and his comrades. His natural place was to be with them. But fate saw him on that day on opposing sides with the order to attack them.

He knew very well that the real enemies were in fact behind him: the army officers who had long betrayed their oath of allegiance to the Constitution and participated in conspiracies against the lawful state. Those who planned the coup d’etat assigned to the Special Commado Forces an influential role in its execution, and made ​​sure to exclude every young soldier from itsranks who was “suspect/subversive.” And these “suspects” were the members and supporters of the Peoples Movement of the Left and all those supporting Makarios. Those who were able for some reason to make it through the political examination of conscripts based on files and join the Commandos of LOK suffered. And Sotiris during his military service suffered greatly. He was regularly beaten up for no reason. Intense psychological pressure was exerted on him. They made his ​​life absolute hell. Obviously the junta did not like the fact that Sotiris’ brother, Christakis played football for “Omonia” Nicosia (Note:the fascists and reactionary forces considered anyone associated with “Omonia” as a communist, a supporterof AKEL and Makarios). For them this meant that Sotoris was “dangerous”. Sotiris however,. despite the beatings and abuse he suffered, stood firm as a rock, courageous in the face of all the challenges and brutal behavior against him.

He acted bravely also when he got the order to attack the Presidential Palace. He resisted and refused to carry out the order given to him. He knew that his life was in danger. He knew that if he obeyed the order nobody will say anything. He could bow his head and unwillingly participate in the actions without firing a shot. He had a choice. But for him this was never an option; it was a disgrace and would go against all that he believed in. For Sotiris the phrase of the poet Kalvos stating that “Freedom demands virtue and boldness” fully applied also to democracy, because without democracy freedom cannot exist.

This heroic exemplary position Sotiris took angered his murderers. They could not stand him and took the opportunity in the turmoil of the coup d’etat to murder him in the back. And not only that! They covered his murder with a veil of silence, and added his name to the losses sustained by those who attacked the Presidential Palace, burying him next to them.

For many years the stigma that Sotiris was among the coupists stained his memory. The same was true for his family, who from the very beginning did not believe that Sotiris could be a coupist. Besides, they knew him very well and knew how faithful he was to his beliefs and ideals.

The family embarked on a difficult and arduous odyssey to reveal the truth and restore the name of Sotiris.  They came up against many obstacles along the way: a wall of silence, fear, lies, evasions and empty promises. But nothing made the family yield and give up, until the truth would be revealed. In 2007 the state, after a relevant scientific investigation, officially acknowledged that Sotiris was not killed attacking the lawful forces of the State on the day of the coup d’etat, but instead was murdered in cold blood, shot in the back and brutally, after refusing to carry out the illegal orders given by the junta officers . The coroners report of foreign experts showed that Sotiris was shot in the back with a gun of the type used only by the officers of the Special Commando Forces and in addition wounds through his body by stabbings were caused by a sharp instrument, presumably for the murderers to make sure the hero would be finished off.

The findings of the scientific research removed the stain of the coupist that accompanied his memory. The state recognized his heroic sacrifice as an act of resistance against the treacherous fascist junta coup d’etat and Sotiris was enlisted in the Register of Resistance Fighters, awarding him posthumously a relevant Medal. Sotiris’ act has become an example/model of behaviour and stand for every worthy young person, of democracy and freedom. It is aunique and special act and stand, because Sotiris’ sacrifice demonstrated that where democracy and freedom are in danger no-onde should have any second thoughts and excuses.

With tonight’s meeting, we honour once again the memory and struggles of our hero Sotiris Adamou, as we do every year. We honour his sacrifice, while honouring the values ​​and ideals in which he believed in and served uncompromisingly. AKEL believes and steadfastly serves these values ​. It is for this reason that when democracy and freedom sent out a call for the people to defend them thousands of cadres, members and friends of AKEL were at the forefront of this struggle and many of them sacrificed their lives to fulfill their duty.

By honouring the memory of Sotiris, but also all the fighters who died fighting the coup d’etat and invasion, AKEL defends the historical truth that in recent years has come under under attack by those seeking to revise it. These forces and circles are trying revise history to hide the very heavy responsibilities of the extreme-right which, in organizing EOKA B and acting against the legality and democracy, brought Turkey to Cyprus.

They are attempting to revise history so that they will not be forced to offer explanations as to why they gave shelter and political expression to the coup d’etat. They are attempting to revise history to provide cover to the verbal condemnation they express against the fascist coup, by trying to downplay the treacherous stand of people of the Right as some “foolish act” and “misguided patriotism”.

They are attempting to revise history in order to hide the undeniable fact that the so-called ideology of “national-mindedness” embraced and nurtured the undermining and subversion of the Cypriot state, culminating in the activity of EOKA B ‘and the coup d’etat. In the same way, they all verbally condemn the coup d’etat of the army colonels in Greece, trying to erase from our memory that many football and athletic clubs had hung the symbol of the Greek Junta in a  prominent place and held various events to honour the so-called “national salvation revolution.”

They are attempting to revise history so as to erase from the collective memory of our people, the responsibilities of the Anglo-Americans and NATO for the Cypriot tragedy experienced by Cyprus in the summer of 1974, the consequences of which we are to this day suffering from. This is not accidental  The intensified efforts underway today to pardon and exonerate the West and NATO are not accidental. Persons employed at the President Palace are also playing a leading role in these efforts. The Government’s position is that Cyprus should join NATO, because as a member we will supposedly have security.

We pose the following question: how much security for example does Greece have vis-a-vis Turkey who is permanently questioning Greece’s sovereign rights and is behaving in a provocative manner? Against which opponent is Greece, despite its dire financial position today, forced to enter into an arms race? It is forced to do so because of Turkey which is also a NATO member. And what is the role of NATO in the problems that exist between two – otherwise – allies? NATO equips and arms them both and then washes its hands. We could even mention that NATO has not only not lost its aggressive and bloodthirsty character, but on the contrary in the era of the new world order it has become even more aggresive and bloodthirsty.The peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are all witnesses to this fact.

It is clear that the attempt to falsify and revise history and acquit imperialism, is not unrelated to developments on the Cyprus problem and the enhanced role the Americans want to play to solve it. There is nothing bad in an exhibiting interest. If only the Americans could assist the efforts so eventually a solution would be found. However, the crucial question is the following: what kind of solution will be promoted by the rumored US involvement in the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem and who will it serve? Will the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and the High Level Agreements of 1977 and 1979 concluded by the two communities be taking into account in the development of whatever initiatives will commence? Will the solution be within the framework of the UN and under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General? These and many other questions are raised by the enhanced involvement of the Americans and the government’s policy. Allow me to say that as AKEL we are concerned about the developments as they are unfolding.

First of all we are concerned because we conclude that the government appears to be pinning all its hopes on the policy of the West and the Americans. This policy, however, will lead to the loss of traditional international support that until today protected us from machinations and schemings aiming to sideline the UN resolutions and at the “closure” of the Cyprus problem.

The Government’s promotion of this policy is also accompanied by the formation of various related ideological notions. One of these notions claims that it was wrong for Cyprus to join the Non-Aligned Movement and that it should have joined NATO instead. It goes on to put forth the position that consequently we should have accepted all that the West promoted against Cyprus. That is to say, instead of dying we should have committed suicide. Those promoting such positions want to ignore that the Non-Aligned Movement had strongly supported the Republic of Cyprus, both during the difficult years after our country’s independence, but also after the tragedy of 1974. Cyprus owes a lot to the Non-Aligned Movement.

As AKEL we are also concerned about the developments as they are unfolding at the  negotiating table. The perspectives for the dialogue are unfortunately bleak. Instead of the negotiations leading to the gap between the two sides being bridged, they are heading to the widening of this gap. In view of the difficulties caused by the Turkish side’s intransigence and negativism in the negotiation process underway, we urge President Anastasiades to abandon the policy of petty expediencies and considerations he is pursuing for the discussion of the Cyprus problem from scratch. This policy is causing harm. On the one hand it enables the Turkish side to cancel the significant convergences achieved between Christofias and Talat. On the other hand, it enables the Turkish side to play a communication game and shift the responsibility for the lack of progress on the Greek Cypriot side.

In view of developments, we urge Mr. Anastasiades to call for the continuation of the negotiations from the point they had been broken off by the Turkish side in March 2012. Hence, the significant convergences achieved in 2008-2010 will be safeguarded and the distance needed to reach a solution will be reduced. In the event of a deadlock we will protect our side from the danger of the international factor apportioning responsibilities on it, a development that would cause new problems and difficulties.

Forty years later, the Cyprus problem should at last be solved. The solution for us is not something vague. The solution is given. It is set out in the relevant UN resolutions and it is the solution agreed by the two Cypriot communities in 1977 and 1979 with the High Level Agreements between Makarios – Denktash and Kyprianou – Denktash.

It is the solution of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation in the framework of which the state will be one, with a single and indivisible sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality. The state will ensure political equality between the two communities, as described in the relevant UN resolutions. It will also ensure the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriots, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who will co-manage the common state without any third party being able to intervene in our ountry’s internal affairs.

Our people have suffered enough from “guarantors” and foreign interventions. The time has come to solve the Cyprus problem and open a new page for Cyprus; a page of lasting peace, security and cooperation between Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latins, who free at last will determine their own fate and that of the future generations.

For that much-desired day to come we need to continue our struggles. We shall continue to support the negotiation procedure because the talks are the only path to arrive at a solution that will on the one hand be a compromise – the coupists who brought Turkey to Cyprus leave us no other option –but at the same time it will be a dignified, viable, workable and under the circumstances justsolution.


Dear friends,

This year marks the forty years since the coup d’etat and invasion. The continued pending solution of the Cyprus objectively causes fatigue and pessimism. However, we must not permit these feelings to overwhelm us and lead to the abandonment of the struggle and efforts to achieve a solution. We cannot compromise with the occupation and the present situation, which threatens the very survival of our people.

We must continue this struggle. As far as AKEL and the Peloples Movement of theLeft is concerned, we shall continue the struggle until the final vindication of our people’s sacrifices. The vindication can only come with a solution to the Cyprus problem and only then will our heroes, such as Sotiris, rest in peace, who sacrificed their lives so that we today can breathe an air of freedom.


Honour and glory to our heroes!


Honour and glory to the hero of the Resistance, Sotiris Adamou Constantinou!



"The course of the negotiations on the Cyprus problem" by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL


Speech of Nicos Ioannou, Member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, at the mass memorial meeting in honour of 4 Heroes of the Resistance against the fascist coup